SOTM | It Was Always You

By 10:43 AM ,

Seriously loving Maroon 5's new album V. I actually don't remember when I first heard the song, but the rest of the day, I had the tune stuck in my head.

I love the lyrics, as weird as it sounds, it's kind of refreshing. It's a sweet song to listen to, something that can lift you when you're feeling down. Here is a lyric video:

I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think (:

Okay, so #Blogtober- I never thought blogging so difficult. Sometimes I just want to keep writing and writing in one day, but sometimes I can't think of anything to write. I have ideas for posts but all of them are reviews for products I bought recently. So sometimes it's so hard for me to come up with a proper post idea. But it's really fun!

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