The Autumn Tag

By 2:15 PM

I found this tag on Sailboat, done by Jennie and I wanted to have a go as well because I love autumn! 

1. Okay, we're talking coffee. What is your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero? 
My favorite drink has to be warm and have chocolate in it. If not chocolate, then caramel for sure.

2. Accessories - What do you opt for - boots, scarf, gloves?
Mostly boots and scarves, not much of a gloves person. I love wearing boots but the nice ones can be pretty expensive. I'm trying to find the perfect pair of berry and tan boots this year. As for scarves, I'm looking for a warm knit berry scarf (:

3. Music - What do you love to listen to during the Autumn?
A lot more Ed Sheeran. I listen to more mellow songs compared to what I listen to during the summer. Now that Alex & Sierra released their album, I'll be listening to their album more. So basically Ed, Alex & Sierra, some Maroon 5, Before You Exit, The Fratellis.

4. Perfume - what's your favourite scent at this time of the year?
A lovely warm vanilla scent.

5. Candles - which scents will you be burning this season?
Warm scents. I'm loving Autumn Wreath by Yankee Candle and Harvest Gathering from Bath & Body Works. They both smell like a combination of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas to me ^.^

6. What do you love most about Autumn?
The thing I love most about autumn has to be those cloudy/rainy days/evenings when you're wrapped up in cozy pajamas and a blanket and either read a good book or watch some classical Christmas movies. Or going out on dreary days to a local cafe and ordering hot chocolate and just relaxing.

7. Favourite make up look?
More neutral eyes and berry lips.

8. What are you looking forward to most during this season?
Definitely the weather and the food. It's the perfect time to eat and not get judged about how much you're eating, because everyone else it eating the same as you!

This was really fun and if you do this tag, let me know so I can read it too!

For #Blogtober, Day 12: What is the best advice you have been given?

become the person you would ideally fall in love with. lie in the sunshine. daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing. open your eyes. take small steps to make it happen for you.

The first sentence is from my "Flushing out negativity" post and the the rest is a different step that I haven't spoken about... yet (;

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